mycoprotein and muscle building

Is Mycoprotein better for building Muscles than Beef

If you want to build muscle and stay healthy, you have a lot of options when it comes to protein sources. Traditionally, meat has been the go-to lean, protein-rich source when building muscle. But times are changing. People are starting to understand that plant-based proteins are healthier options, beans, lentils, and soy are just as beneficial for muscle building as their animal-based counterparts. Now, there’s an even newer protein source on the scene: Mycoprotein.

Mycoprotein is a unique kind of vegan protein that is created from a specific type of fungi. This fungi-sourced protein packs serious nutritional power and can help you reach your muscle-building goals without sacrificing flavor or health. In this article, we’ll discuss the Mycoprotein muscle-building advantage: why vegan protein is healthier than beef and other animal sources when it comes to achieving your desired body composition.

What Is Mycoprotein?

If you’re looking for a meat-free way to build muscle without the risk of health problems, mycoprotein may be the solution. But what is mycoprotein?

Mycoprotein is an innovative plant-based protein made from a type of fungi called Fusarium venenatum. It’s a complete protein, meaning that it contains all nine essential amino acids that your body needs to build and repair muscle. It also contains B vitamins, folate, and minerals like phosphorus and magnesium that are important for overall health.

Here’s why mycoprotein stands out: it contains fewer calories and fat than beef, meaning you can get the same amount of muscle-building benefits with fewer of the health risks associated with animal protein sources. Plus, it has a high content of dietary fiber, which helps promote gut health and can keep you feeling fuller longer so you can manage your weight more easily.

Beef Protein vs Plant Protein: Which Is Healthier for Building Muscle?

Are you looking to boost your muscle-building routine with protein? The answer may surprise you it’s not necessarily the beef that got you there. In fact, vegan protein sources like mycoprotein can be the healthier alternative.

Let’s break it down: unlike other plant proteins, mycoprotein is a complete source of protein, which means that it contains all nine essential amino acids. Additionally, studies have shown that mycoprotein not only increases muscle synthesis but also helps reduce muscle soreness following a workout. Meat proteins, such as beef, may provide similar outcomes in terms of muscle building, but they often contain saturated fat that can increase cholesterol and heart disease risks.

So what are you waiting for? Mycoprotein can provide equal or greater muscle-building benefits as meat proteins while keeping your cholesterol and health levels in check—all without sacrificing taste.

How Mycoprotein Supports Muscle Growth

If you ever look at the media, bodybuilders always supported ground beef as part of their diets for building muscle, but here’s something you may not know: mycoprotein is actually at building muscle than beef.

Mycoprotein is derived from a fungus, and is thus known as “meat-free meat.” But the real secret to its muscle-building power lies in its rich essential amino acids (EAAs). Its EAA composition as a percentage of total protein is 41%, similar to spirulina, this means that mycoprotein provides your body with a full complement of the building blocks needed for muscle growth and repair.

Mycoprotein has a higher quantity of protein when compared to most other commonly consumed plant-based proteins. Although almost all animal sources of protein have a higher percentage of EAA relative to total protein (≤52% for whey), mycoprotein’s composition compares favorably with that of human muscle (at 45%).

Mycoprotein also contains an impressive range of minerals, like zinc and iron. It also contains beneficial vitamins like B6 and B12, which are vital for muscle growth and repair. Altogether this makes mycoprotein a superior choice for anyone looking to build lean muscle and wants to keep to a health-promoting diet.

Can You Build Muscle With Mycoprotein?

A simple answer is Yes! You can definitely build muscle with mycoprotein, and it happens because of its complete protein content. Mycoprotein contains all nine of the essential amino acids that your body needs to make muscle and other body tissues. And since it’s plant-based, mycoprotein is lower in calories and fat than traditional sources of protein like beef, making it easier to incorporate into a healthy diet.

Mycoprotein is also high in fiber, which helps keep you fuller longer and helps regulate your digestion while you’re weightlifting. Plus, it’s rich in B-vitamins, iron, zinc and magnesium—all important nutrients for healthy muscles.

What’s more, mycoprotein is also low in saturated fat compared to animal proteins like beef. This makes it a much healthier option for building muscle than traditional animal protein sources.

Why Are Plant Proteins Like Mycoprotein Healthier Alternatives?

If you’re looking for a healthier way to build muscle and strength, why not switch to a plant-based alternative protein? Plant proteins like mycoprotein are packed with essential amino acids so they provide all the same benefits of beef—and then some.

Key Nutrients

For starters, plant proteins are low in saturated fat, so they don’t come with the same health drawbacks that animal proteins do. Plus, they contain other key nutrients like fiber and vitamins, that can help support your well-being and performance. For example, adding veggies like mushrooms to your shake can boost your intake of Vitamin D which helps with calcium absorption essential for your bones and muscles!


Let’s talk digestibility. Plant proteins can be easier on the stomach if you’re sensitive to animal products or if you’re just looking for something light and easy to break down after a workout. And mycoprotein is one of the most digestible plant proteins out there because it’s made from a single-celled organism, rather than complicated combinations of plants used by other vegan protein sources.

So why not give plant proteins a shot? Mycoprotein is here to provide you with all the essential amino acids you need to build muscle while keeping your body healthy—no animals required!

Benefits of Mycoprotein on the Gut Microbiome

Mycoprotein has been shown to have numerous benefits on gut health. It helps increase the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and prevent certain diseases associated with gut health. It also helps promote microbial diversity by providing a diet rich in polysaccharides, which can help maintain balance in your microbiome. Finally, mycoprotein has been shown to be more easily digested than animal proteins, making it a great choice for those looking to keep their digestive tracts healthy.

In short, mycoprotein can provide an excellent alternative for those looking for a healthy source of protein that also promotes a healthy gut microbiome. By adding mycoprotein to your diet, you’ll get all the benefits that come along with animal proteins without having to worry about any of the negative side effects associated with animal proteins.


All in all, if you’re looking for a muscle-building advantage without the saturated fat and cholesterol found in traditional proteins, mycoprotein is an excellent option. Not only is it highly digestible, but its unique combination of nutrients is ideal for targeting gut health, muscle building, and overall health. Plus, since it’s vegan, it’s free of animal products and cruelty-free.

So, the next time you’re looking for a plant-based protein option, consider mycoprotein. It’s a viable, healthy alternative to traditional proteins, and it can help you reach your muscle-building goals safely, easily, and with greater nutrition.


Finnigan TJA, Wall BT, Wilde PJ, Stephens FB, Taylor SL, Freedman MR. Mycoprotein: The Future of Nutritious Nonmeat Protein, a Symposium Review. Curr Dev Nutr. 2019 Apr 4;3(6):nzz021. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzz021. PMID: 31187084; PMCID: PMC6554455.

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